Well that was quick! Apparently Github Pages does not support HTTPS with custom domains. Luckily, it was easy enough to publish the Jekyll site to S3 and serve it via CloudFront. Here’s a great blog post with full instructions.
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New Site
Because wordpress.com is old and busted.
I hosted theza.ch on wordpress.com for many years. However, in the age of markdown and github, the Wordpress editor just feels ancient and unusable.
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Updating Materialized Views and Caches Using Kafka
This post is still on my old blog at https://zcox.wordpress.com/2017/01/16/updating-materialized-views-and-caches-using-kafka/
Flink Repartition Watermark Example
This is a simple example that shows what happens in a Flink job when timestamps and watermarks from parallel source partitions diverge over time. Please see the full post, along with code, at https://github.com/zcox/flink-repartition-watermark-example.
Introduction to Indexing, Aggregation and Querying in Druid
This post is still on my old blog at https://zcox.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/introduction-to-indexing-aggregation-and-querying-in-druid/